Knightwood Male Enhancement- Is It Really Boost Sexual Power?

Knightwood Male Enhancement  more videos well lots more videos but there's gonna be some new ones on different supplements and different aspects of them being more specific because I really do like the supplements that are for men specifically and I feel like men are sometimes not so great at getting the supplements that they need and a lot of people also don't realize different foods that are depleting and blocking or supplement absorption yes thanks please do hit the thumbs up button and subscribe trying to do every Sunday for live videos this time actually works well for me and so I can definitely do 10:00 a.m. Pacific time it's 7 p.m. my time and so it works out well I also feel free to like and share any videos and subscribe and I we'll be seeing you next Sunday

Knightwood Male Enhancement  you guys here and feel free so next Sunday I'm not sure the topic I think I will continue if I do the Y will do the video on STDs on Wednesday and I will continue the discussion probably okay but I'm also afraid I'll be opening up a can of worms that might be a little crazy on that topic so we'll see we'll see what it we'll see how that goes but thank you guys for participating and I really appreciate getting to know you and I will see you next Sunday thanks so much The Fifth Estate, they come packed with promises. >> I will guarantee you that this will change your reality within three to five days. >> Gillian: Herbs, minerals, vitamins. Three out of four Canadians take them. >> Right here I have a Liposomal D -- >> This is our bacopa, it's a very potent anti-oxidant. >> Gillian: It's a $1.4 billion industry with players from big pharma to mom and pop

Knightwood Male Enhancement questions so I don't know what you said before fabulous well thank you Mike it's really great to have, but what is in the bottle? >> I go in to buy a product that I believe in, that I care about, and I pay a lot of money for it. It's not even in the bottle, are you kidding me? >> Gillian: Could we be taking too many? >> Many people are taking too much Vitamin D. We can't assume that more is necessarily better. >> Gillian: Could they be dangerous? >> You actually could hurt yourself. You actually can increase your risk of cancer, increase your risk of heart disease. I think few people know the risks they're taking. >> Gillian: I'm Gillian Findlay and this is The Fifth Estate. (♪♪) In the fields outside Guelph, Ontario, Steven Newmaster is on a quest. He's a botanist at the University of Guelph, part of an international team collecting and cataloguing

 Knightwood Male Enhancement use them with my family. We have that anecdotal evidence that you have some ailment and you take whatever the remedy is and it's dealt with. >> Gillian: So it's an irony that his study would shake the industry that makes those products. In 2012, Newmaster and his team randomly selected 44 herbal supplements sold in Canada and the United States. And started comparing what was in the bottle to the DNA in their databank. >> We looked at the results and I was fairly astounded, it was like wow. >> Gillian: 60 per cent of the products contained ingredients not listed on their labels. Even more astonishingly, back pain soon became debilitating. He then started hearing from other Purity First customers who told him of their own problems. >> I'm hearing stories. My daughter is an honour student and she's on the swim team but she's been thrown out of school for being overly aggressive. I'm talking to a woman who had lost

 Knightwood Male Enhancement incredible bleeding scales on my head and I can't go to work. >> Gillian: What they all had in common were the Purity First B-50 vitamins they were taking. Testing would reveal the vitamins were contaminated with anabolic steroids. By then, customers had started hiring lawyers. Chris Meagher was one of them, and the stories, as horrific as they were, started making sense. >> Hair growth on a young lady, with one of our clients, basically developing moustache, beard. There's something called clitoromegaly, horrible, it's something I was not familiar with. But it's actually the female sexual organs taking on a male configuration. For the men who ingested these things, they developed gynecomastia. You'd end up with male breasts. >> Gillian: How the steroids got into the bottles didn't turn out to be much of a mystery. Purity

 Knightwood Male Enhancement vof nature to heal. >> I buy and use natural health products. I believe in them. I've used them all my life. I her position in a choir because her voice had changed. I'm talking to another woman who said I've got these First had outsourced production to a manufacturing company that used to be based here, Mira Health Products, it turned out, made more than just vitamins. It was Candice Tripp's current husband Joe Keuller who confirmed it with Mira's owner. >> I called Mike and said pretty much, what could have happened, and, you know, he was making the male-enhancement pills, and he said, Joe, he said, if they found any type of steroids in there, the only thing I could possibly think is maybe the mixer was not cleaned enough. >> Some vitamins manufactured here in Long Island are triggering -- >> The FDA recently issued a recall -- >> Gillian: Mira, it was revealed, had a history of manufacturing violations. The U.S. Food and Drug

Knightwood Male Enhancement  Mira Health Product >> Gillian: As for Purity First, the FDA demanded the vitamins be recalled but that would take nearly six months. What it all revealed was how little oversight there is of an industry that affects so many. >> I was very concerned and then I realized that this whole industry needs change, and how much danger we're all in, not just from Purity First likely but from others that can put anything in these little bottles and put a seal and a label on it. >> Gillian: When we come back, when it comes to supplements, how much is too much? Can they actually cause harm? >> You actually can hurt yourself. You actually can increase your risk of cancer, increase your risk of heart disease, I think few people know the risks they're taking. (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Gillian: In Canada today, there are more than 27,000 natural health products licenced for sale. Purveyors from pharmacies to health food stores to international chains. GNC

Knightwood Male Enhancement Omega 3s is essential for good health. >> Gillian: Our screens blare advice on how supplements can make us healthier. >> Supplements, I get this question all the time, I only take four pills. >> Gillian: Reputations and fortunes have been built on dispensing that advice. >> The leading nutritional experts agree that everyone should be taking a multivitamin, multimineral product. >> Gillian: But amid the hype, what's often lost is the science that increasingly warns what we're taking to feel healthy might actually be doing us harm. >> When people walk into the dietary supplement or vitamin store, they think that everything is just perfectly safe. >> Gillian: Dr. Paul Offit is an infectious disease specialist and best selling author. His book "Do You Believe In Magic" questions whether we're taking too many supplements starting with vitamins. >> You need vitamins to live. The question is do you get enough in food and I think the answer to the question is yes but now there's studies showing if you take a megavitamin you actually can hurt yourself, you can increase your risk of cancer, increase your risk of heart disease. I think few people know


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